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Boeing Starliner Launches First Crewed Mission

Boeing Starliner Launches First Crewed Mission

June 5, 2024

A Boeing spacecraft carrying two NASA astronauts is on its historic maiden voyage. The vehicle's landmark launch kicked off the first crewed test of Boeing's Starliner capsule, a key step in the company's bid to join SpaceX in flying astronauts to the International Space Station for NASA.

A Decade in the Making

Boeing's Starliner mission will make a third attempt at launching its first crewed flight test Wednesday in a milestone that has been a decade in the making. The spacecraft was originally scheduled to fly its first crewed mission in 2019, but a software glitch forced the launch to be aborted shortly after liftoff. A second attempt in 2022 was also scrubbed due to a faulty valve.

A Critical Milestone

If successful, the mission will be a major milestone for Boeing and NASA. The Starliner spacecraft is designed to be a reusable commercial space capsule that can carry up to seven astronauts to the International Space Station. If the spacecraft proves to be safe and reliable, Boeing could become a major player in the commercial space industry, competing with SpaceX and other companies for contracts to fly astronauts and cargo to the space station.


The launch of Boeing's Starliner spacecraft is a significant event in the history of space exploration. If successful, the mission will pave the way for a new era of commercial spaceflight, with private companies playing a more prominent role in transporting humans and cargo to space.
